Still Resting. One more day. Not easy.
Yesterday was my first opportunity to see kettlebell lifting in action. I have to say I was not disappointed. Though the day was short of any real 'competition' on the men's side, I did get to witness several great feats of strength-endurance. Maya Garcia of the Ice Chamber in San Francisco got her Master of Sport as did one other competitor. Maya stood out however for her lovely jerk technique. Very smooth and effortless. I took pride in the fact that although I can not yet replicate many of the feats I saw, I could immediately tell good technique from average or even bad. I feel this wisdom will carry me far.
Another standout was a gentleman of about 53 years of age and 5'5" in height, who completed 50 reps with the 24kg bells in the Long Cycle. Very impressive. He had great form. He looked better than almost all the other lifters even half his age.
The highlight though was watching both Andy Fitting and Valery Fedorenko do 4 minute Long Cycle with the 56kg bell. They both did 16 reps each side. Wow. Later I got the opportunity to Clean the bell. I needed two hands. Here's the Key. With Andy standing next to me, with the bell on my chest, he asked me if I wanted to do a Jerk. I said no way, but for an instant I really really felt like I could do it. I know I could have. Strength is mostly mental. I have to remember that. I told Andy the next time I see him, that bell is going over my head. And it is. I continued to Clean that bell until I felt like it would break my wrist if I did it again.
Andy was very gracious and even let me carry his stuff around for him. Great. I picked up alot of tips from him and some from Eric Lifford as well. The best was... Don't stop. Don't miss days. In 6 months I will be Clean & Jerking a 44. (Andy said this is where my strength would come from)
I still have no desire to compete but it was nice to meet all these people and mine their considerable knowledge. A further thank you to Cate Imes for all the good advice and tips.
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